Congress Programme
Saturday, September 24
8.30–9.00 | Coffee, posters | |
9.00–9.40 | Plenary session Smart Lab medicine in the digital era |
Glass Hall Bernard Gouget, France |
9.50–11.30 | Morning sessions
Session 7 | Patient focused laboratory medicine Moderators: Janis Stasulans, Latvia; Marge Kütt, Estonia |
Glass Hall |
9.50-10.20 | Quality and POCT | Sverre Sandberg, Norway |
10.20-10.35 | POCT in Tartu Ambulance Service | Agnes Ivanov, Estonia |
10.35-10.50 | Experience of using automation for management of self-sampling kits in E.Gulbja laboratory | Didzis Gavars, Latvia |
10.50-11.05 | Direct self-sampled gargle water LAMP as a screening method for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 infections | Skaistė Arbačiauskaitė, Lithuania |
11.05-11.25 | What people ask from laboratory doctors? | Marge Kütt, Estonia |
Session 8 | Sexually transmitted diseases Moderators: Kai Jõers, Estonia; Vesta Kućinskiene, Lithuania; Marta Priedīte, Latvia |
Hall 2+3 |
9.50-10.10 | Hypothesis and the need for confirmation of the diagnosis by the laboratory. Clinician’s view | Margus Punab, Estonia |
10.10-10.40 | Detection of M.genitalium and antibiotic resistance in Europe | Magnus Unemo, Sweden |
10.40-11.00 | HPV self-sampling in cervical cancer screening: a pilot study in Estonia | Piret Veerus, Estonia |
11.00-11.15 | HPV screening programme in Latvia – laboratory experience | Marta Priedīte, Latvia |
11.15-11.30 | STI diagnostics in Lithuania | Vesta Kućinskiene, Lithuania |
11.30–12.00 | Coffee break, posters |
12.00–13.40 | Mid-day sessions
Session 9 | SARS-CoV2 epidemic (epidemiology, diagnostic etc) Moderators: Siiri Kõljalg, Estonia; Laura Ansone, Latvia |
Glass Hall |
12.00-12.20 | SARS-CoV2 in Estonia. Immune response | Paul Naaber, Estonia |
12.20-12.40 | Multi-omics approach in the identification of molecular footprints of SARS-CoV-2 infection | Laura Ansone, Latvia |
12.40-13.00 | Innate immune response to COVID-19 | Laura Pereckaitė, Lithuania |
13.00-13.20 | SARS-CoV2 and fungal infections | Helle Järv, Estonia |
13.20-13.40 | SARS-CoV2 testing in wastewater | Tanel Tenson, Estonia |
Session 10 | Harmonization in laboratory medicine Moderators: Liisa Kuhi, Estonia; Dalius Vitkus, Lithuania |
Hall 2+3 |
12.00-12.30 | The revised European Urinalysis Guideline | Timo Kouri, Finland |
12.30-12.50 | Harmonization of electrophoretic investigations in evaluation of monoclonal gammopathies in Estonia | Kaja Vaagen, Estonia; Galina Zemtsovskaja, Estonia |
12.50-13.10 | Harmonization of verification | Agnes Ivanov, Estonia |
13.10-13.30 | Harmonization in satellite labs | Marge Kütt, Estonia |
13.45–14.15 | Presentations of Selected Abstracts (3 oral presentations) | Glass Hall |
COVID-19: Prolonged viral shedding in an HIV patient | Oksana Savicka, Latvia | |
Non-polio enteroviruses – are we looking in the right place and quickly enough? | Baiba Niedre-Otomere, Latvia | |
Landscape of genetic alterations of Estonian patients with MDS and AML diagnosis | Maria Keernik, Estonia | |
14.15-14.30 | BALM 2022 Best Poster Recognition Ceremony | Roche representative and Kalle Kisand, Estonia |
14.30–14.45 | Closing Ceremony | Glass Hall |